Random School Memory

I remember some time in elementary school our school got a button machine. We were each allowed to design our own button, and then that button got us special privileges. I don’t remember what the privileges were. Nothing *too* special, just, like, getting to use it as a hall pass to go to the bathroom when we wanted or an extra minute of recess or something. The catch was that if we got in trouble or talked in class or did something wrong, we got our button and the privileges that came with it taken away for a while. At first, everybody had their buttons, but after a while they started dropping like flies. I think the buttons were only taken away for a day or a week or something, but there was never a time when everybody had their buttons except the first day or so. Eventually nobody cared about trying to keep their buttons because it was so random who had theirs anyway.

I WAS THE ONLY KID WHO NEVER LOST THEIR BUTTON. Seriously. I had my button and my “special privileges” that I can’t even remember what are anymore the whole freakin’ time. I never did anything worthy of losing my button. And it’s not like I was trying or anything–I guess I was just natural born button material.

Note: this did not make me popular, but it didn’t make me any more unpopular than I already was, so there you go.

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