Too many projects + my 24 hours of fame

As I’m trying to manage my time and projects and whatnot, it’s kind of dawning on me that I have a LOT of stuff going on right now. My list, let me show you it–not necessarily in any particular order:

–edit three books for self-publication
–after editing, format them all for printing and ebook formats
–learn to format self-pubbed books for printing and ebook formats
–write the Renegade X sequel
–finish/keep up with all my crochet commissions
–keep up with two grad school classes
–do enough tasks to keep my online job because I like having a safety net
–wait for agent notes on my proposal book, then do edits so it can go on sub

Whew! It’s a lot to do, but I kind of love it. Okay, I definitely love it, but there are times when it’s a bit overwhelming how much stuff I’ve given myself to do.

And yesterday was absolutely crazy. I woke up to over 500 feedback messages on DeviantArt. The day before had been free Premium Membership day, so I thought maybe there’d been some kind of malfunction when it switched my account back to the free version. But I pretty quickly realized that wasn’t the case and that something was driving a bazillion new people to my account, specifically to this picture:

These are the main characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (which is an awesome show–go watch it if you haven’t seen it). It turned out it had been picked as a Daily Deviation. I didn’t know what that meant, but I started to piece it together when I saw my picture show up on the bottom of site, along with other artwork that was being featured. So, for those not in the know, basically DeviantArt selects images to feature each day. And they picked mine. O__o I was shocked they picked me, once I realized what it was, and it’s still kind of sinking in.

  1. Jon

    Tell me that is Rainbow Dash and crew. Wow!

  2. Bri

    Yeesh, I hope you have a planner. And THANK YOU for making my pony especially with all this on your plate.

    Calibre can help with the self-publishing. Shoot me an email if you need some tips – my stepdad used it for all his ebooks.

  3. Shell Flower

    Those ponies are so freakin’ cute. Congrats on being featured on DeviantArt, so cool. You are a real Renaissance Girl with your variety of arts. Good luck with the list!

  4. Chelsea Campbell

    Aw, no problem! I love making ponies. :) And you’re the one who got me into crocheting them in the first place!

    I’ll do that! I’ve got the Smashwords formatting guide, though I haven’t looked through it yet, but I’m sure when I get to that point I’ll need all the tips I can get. ;)

  5. Chelsea Campbell

    Thanks! And no one’s ever called me a Renaissance Girl before–I love it! :D

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