About the Author



Chelsea Campbell grew up in the Pacific Northwest, where it rains a lot. And then rains some more. She finished her first novel when she was twelve, sent it out, and promptly got rejected. Since then she’s written many more novels, earned a degree in Latin and Ancient Greek, become an obsessive knitter and fiber artist, and started a collection of glass grapes. As a kid, Chelsea read lots of adult books, but now that she’s an adult herself (at least according to her driver’s license), she loves books for kids and teens. Besides writing, studying ancient languages, and collecting useless objects, Chelsea is a pop-culture fangirl at heart and can often be found rewatching episodes of The Office, listening to her favorite podcasts, or dying a lot in Dark Souls.

For more information about me, check out my Author FAQ.


  • Ms. Yingling

    Ah, there are still people majoring in Latin and Greek. I was a Latin teacher, and the feeling of intellectual superiority will last you for a long time. Glad you had success with Renegade X even if it is a bit old for my students. I get so many parent complaints about mentions of sex and drinking that it’s just not worth it to me to have the books in my library. Best wishes for great success!

  • Bradley Below

    Congrats Congrats Congrats!!!
    Very Excited to see your success!!! Lord knows you absolutely deserve it!!! Keep on Keeping On!!! We are all cheering for you… My Mom just downloaded your book from Amazon on her kindle. Im looking forward to the sequel and movie. Your an inspiration to generations!!!

  • Julia

    Agree 100% on the “useless” major thing. Hopefully I’ll get to major in something as awesomely offbeat and use it to confuse people for the rest of my days.

  • Donna Brodsky

    So, I’m sort of an anomaly in your fan base of YA readers. I’m 64 years old, been writing screenplays for 14 years, have 8 finished scripts (2 shorts, 6 features) and was told about “Rise of Renegade X” by a 20-something who LOVED it. He pitched the premise to me and I was intrigued.

    I’m always looking for a good story to adapt to film/TV so I picked up Renegade. By the way, I’ve work at an independent bookstore for 14 years and that’s how I get such great book referrals!

    Back to your book – It’s all about you now, not me. :) I couldn’t put it down, which for me is a good sign. Loved the voice of Damien. Snarky, funny, and felt the premise itself was different from anything else I’ve ever read or watched on film.

    I just finished the book this morning and 1) I’m curious if you would consider allowing someone to option your material and 2) I’d like to pitch it as either a film or TV series. Unsure at this moment which would be more successful. I do know it has legs so if you want to know more about me and my creds, email me!


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