
Check this sucker out:

From Drop Box

That’s my book! It smells like trees–well, newly dead trees, which is a fresh smell for a book–and it has 352 pages. The beginning of each chapter has a black and white silhouette of the city skyline from the cover, and the scene breaks are done with Xs, like this:


except in Renegade X font.

My favorite part is reading it. I LOVE this book and I love getting to see my words on the page and just see everything I wrote on the computer, back when I was unpublished and it was just words in my head and I was just putting them down one after the other until there was a book. It seems so unreal sometimes, that all the big important life changing things in life can start with simple things that nobody else tells you to do, but that you just do because it’s what you want to be doing. I don’t know if that’s making sense, but this concept always fascinates me. The idea that big important things just happen at home or get started there, possibly by someone in their pajamas.

My camera died after only one picture, and both batteries are dead and both chargers are nowhere to be found–argh!–so my descriptions will have to do for now. But trust me, it’s awesome. I have one stressful errand type thing left to run today, and then I get to come home and read this baby!

  1. Emilee

    So cool! Congrats Chelsea!

  2. Dani

    Squeal. Congrats!
    And I trust you on the awesomeness. :)

    P.S.0- Cant wait to read the book. I love superheroes/villians. :)

  3. sara

    Yayy! This must feel amazing!
    Congrats- I can’t wait!

    Bah, I want an ARC of your book too! *whines* :P

  4. Dia

    I just signed up for the ARC on the Tenners site!

  5. Sara

    Beautiful! You must be ecstatic! :)

  6. Jill

    That is so unbelievable cool! Congrats!!

  7. Brodie

    How awesome! It must be so exciting, congratulations!!!

    The book looks great and sounds like an awesome read too =)

  8. RKCharron

    Hi Chelsea :)
    You must be ecstatic to hold the culmination of your dream in your hands.
    Thank you for sharing,
    All the best,

  9. Okie

    Ultra cool. Congratulations!

  10. Bri

    Awesome! I always love seeing the inner layouts of books too. Can’t wait to read it. Alas, poor trees. You died a noble death.

  11. Carol

    It’s so gorgeous! Congrats Chelsea!

  12. Raul

    Such a fun book! I really enjoyed working on the cover.

  13. Chelsea Campbell

    You did an EXCELLENT job! I love it–I kept telling Egmont how perfect it turned out.

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