New Hat!

While I was doing some research on the Anemoi, the four winds, which make an appearance in Shades of Rome, I came across this hat pattern. I decided to make it while the book is on sub and I’m waiting to hear back from editors, since it seemed appropriate. I started it a little over two weeks ago, just finished it tonight. And hey, it fits!

Obviously this should be my new author photo. You can also kind of see my glasses, which I promised to post pictures of but didn’t.

Here it is on its own:

And on a side note, I have another contest going on GoodReads, this time for a signed hardback copy of The Rise of Renegade X. The contest ends May 11th, the day the book comes out, so if you don’t win, you can go stare longingly at it in the store.

  1. Liyana

    *Stares longingly* Signed, you say? *Builds up laser beams*

  2. Violet

    That hat is fantastic & I am impressed that you made it in two weeks! Do you have an Etsy or fiber arts shop on the side? Because you should. Mostly so I could buy that hat & one of your knitted kittens. :-)

  3. Chelsea Campbell

    Thanks! I do have an etsy shop, but I have yet to fill it. I have these cute lump creatures I made I want to put in it, but I have trouble parting with them… must make doubles!

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