Post Birthday/Book Birthday Post!

My 30th birthday turned out to be excellent.  I can’t believe I’m starting a new decade of my life!  Anyway, it was a great birthday, despite the two hour inconclusive doctor visit from hell.  (They decided I don’t have asthma, but don’t know what might actually be wrong.  Um… yay?)

On the bright side, I got to go out to dinner afterwards, which is one of my favorite things to do.  There was much nomming of noms and it was good and we had a little lava cake at the end, which is the best kind of cake.  And later I got a surprise visit from some friends who took me out for milkshakes, and a great time was had by all!

And I released my book, like a kraken!  *pictures it swimming furiously through the ocean towards unsuspecting pirate ships*  My first indie venture, and I am quite pleased.  The cover turned out amazing, the ebook is very nicely coded (if I do say so myself), and people are buying it.  And saying good things:

This book has got a lot going for it. Is this a hard boiled detective novel, or a teen adventure story? You decide. For me, the juxtaposition of the two is what makes it shine. If you liked Nancy Drew or the Hardy Boys, you’ll enjoy Harper Madigan, not because it’s similar, but because it’s so different.

Reminiscent of Buffy or Angel, the story bounces between serious and funny without giving the reader a minute to catch his breath. It’s not “belly-laugh” funny, but more, “cool as a cucumber” funny.

That review really captures what I love about this book!  Sometimes that’s so hard to put into words, even when you’re the author.  And any day when my work gets compared to Buffy or Angel is a good day in my book.

The paperback version is almost ready.  My proof copy is on its way, though it might not get here until the 12th.  I am spoiled from Amazon Prime, and I thought since Createspace is an Amazon company that it would carry over, but no…  But it’s shipped and will be here soon.  Hopefully everything will be sparkly and wonderful and error-free and I’ll be able to approve the book for publication.

You will be able to get signed copies directly from me once it’s out, too.  I’ll post more details about that when it releases.

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