Updates and New Short Story Coming Soon

A few updates:

  • I finished Dragonbound! I started this book back in 2011, put it aside, and then picked it back up earlier this year. I’ll write another post on this book and how it came to be, and the various struggles I had with it, but overall it turned out to be a really fun book to write, and I can’t wait for everyone to read it. I don’t know the release date yet, but it should be coming out sometime next year from Skyscape.
  • I’ve started planning Renegade X 4 and can’t wait to start writing! I’m still missing some big important pieces, like the main plot and who the bad guy is, but I’m excited about all the other stuff I’ve figured out, and it’s all coming together. I’d meant to start this one this summer, but I delusionally optimistically overestimated when I could get Dragonbound done. (It was originally supposed to be done by July. I finished it late October…) I have adrenal fatigue and Hashimoto’s (my thyroid doesn’t work like it should), and I can’t always predict how much energy I’ll have. Some days I feel good, and some days I can’t do much of anything. (This is the main reason why there was a two-year gap between books 2 and 3.) But my health is slowly improving, and I’m going to try my best to get book 4 done a lot sooner this time.
  • I’m currently working on the Renegade X holiday special. The backers of the kickstarter for book 3 got to vote on which holiday I’m writing about, and Halloween won by a landslide. As you can see below, it’s called The Haunting of Renegade X. I don’t have my official description written up yet, but I can say that it takes place between books 2 and 3, and in it, Damien is haunted by his dead ex-best friend Pete. Kickstarter backers will of course be getting this story as part of their incentives, but I’ll be putting it up on Amazon as well, so watch for that later this month. (Or, better yet, sign up for my newsletter, and I’ll let you know as soon as it’s out.)

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  • And, last but not least, I started working on a book about writing a few years ago (2011, actually, the year of abandoned books and no energy), and lately I’ve been thinking about picking it back up. It’s called Breaking the Rules and is meant to be an intermediate book on writing. I was always frustrated with how many books there are for beginners, but not much for when you’ve got a few books finished but aren’t, you know, there yet. And I hate rules about writing and am a big fan of breaking them, so that’s a big part of what the book’s about, too. (As you can guess from the title.) In it, I go over so-called rules like showing vs. telling, the use of the verb “to be,” and passive voice, among others, how they tripped me up when I was learning how to write, and why what everyone’s told you about them is a bunch of crap. (I hate those rules! Just mentioning them here is making me angry. Erg.) I’ve got an outline and some of it written. I think I’ll also be adding a section on writing sequels/series, since that’s something I wish more people talked about, too. But I’m also open to suggestions, SO, IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT WRITING, or something you want me to include in this book–any “rules” you want me to talk about breaking, or if there’s some aspect of writing you’d like to hear more about from me–LET ME KNOW. You can ask here in the comments, message me on Facebook, or email me at CampChelsea@gmail.com. If I end up writing about your suggestion/answering your question, I’ll send you a free ebook copy of the finished book.

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