New site is up!

Okay, not *new* new, but a new version.  It’s much easier for me to update it now and change things around–which means frequent updates, YAY!  It now features Google Friend Connect for easy following, a convenient contacts page with all the places you can find me on the internet, a list of upcoming events, and cool random quotes from The Rise of Renegade X featured on every page!  W00t!  (For those of you reading this on LJ, you can find the site here:

I’ve also made a fan page for The Rise of Renegade X on Facebook!  There you can easily stay up to date on book news, fun stuff, contests, and freebies!  Come be a fan!

To celebrate, I’ll be hosting an awesome contest later this month with three book prizes that will teach you how to become a pirate, a ninja, or… the Batman.  (I know, I know, it’s supposed to be pirates, ninjas, and zombies, but I’m all about Batman right now.)  Trust me, these books are all both useful and hilarious.  Only the highest quality pirates, ninjas, and Batman training guides for MY contest!  ;)

  1. Tizabet

    You might want to consider changing the comment box from white on off-white to, you know…. visible. ;)

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